These 10 Anger Management Tips Will Rescue Your Relationship


It is natural to feel anger. Anger is an emotional response to a perceived threat. However, how you respond to anger determines your need for anger management. Some people can control anger tactfully, while others get explosive with it.

If you’re like Eric, you sure will be finding it really hard to manage anger. The 27-year old man has lost some promising relationships to an uncontrollable anger.

He rages on the road, and throws temper tantrums around.

When he is overwhelmed, he breaks any objects within reach. He’s had heartbreaks with two girlfriends already, because of domestic violence.

Let’s walk Eric through on the importance of anger management. As he surfs the net seeking solutions to his ruptured relationship.


What is Anger Management?

Anger management is a systematic way of dealing with anger. It is important for you as an individual, or the society to manage anger. As an emotion, if you are not careful, you can go wild with anger.

Therefore, be intentional in seeking solutions to control your anger issues.

Importance of Anger Management

Although it’s normal to be angry, anger can lead you into problems if you don’t manage it properly. When you begin to deal with anger so that you can live a healthier life, you are practicing anger management.

Check below the 10 importance of anger management we have outlined for you. Anger management that will help you save your ruptured relationship. And prevent fresh ones from decaying.

Sound Mental Wellness: Outbursts of anger can lead into high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, induced ageness, and many other illnesses. Having a sound mind is not a far cry. Just manage your anger.

Optimum Performance: Anger is a negative catalyst. It slows down our productivity, and as a result, leads to poor performance. You can increase your work performance if you can control you anger.

Controls Stress Triggers: Stress is a daily experience of life. The routine activities of walking, cooking, working, and many other lifestyles we don’t even give a thought, can lead to stress. Stress can make us angry.

Anger, on the other hand, can trigger stress responses. Which means, you have double stress to deal with if you don’t practice anger management.

Improves Self-Esteem: Maturity is the ability to control our emotions. When you are able to control unwanted emotions such as anger, you feel in charge of your life, and your confidence will increase. This way, your self-esteem will rise, too.

Improves Decision Making: Anger can make you take impulsive decisions that you can regret. To avoid living in regrets, employ anger management tools as a defense mechanism to control your anger.

Your decision-making ability will improve and you will be at peace with yourself, and everyone around you will feel safe with you.

Improves Cordial Relationship: Anger management will improve your relationship with others. You will be able to think, talk and choose your words correctly. You could restore your intimate relationship if you are sincere with yourself.

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Good Role Model: There is the tendency of your children to exhibit your anger attitude. But if you work on yourself with these anger management, your children will learn from you how to manage their anger.

Facilitate Growth: When used properly, anger management can better your life. You will understand yourself and your emotions better. If you intentionally manage your anger, you could discover the root cause of your anger.

Peace of Mind: Managing your anger can improve your peace of mind. Excessive anger can be mentally draining, which is not good for your overall well being. If you grow in emotional intelligence, you will find anger repulsive.

Peaceful Coexistence : Anger management can help you maintain peaceful coexistence among others. Aggression and violence are two main reasons of conflicts. Thwarting your anger from spreading is an automatic ticket to individual and societal peace.

Positive Benefits of Anger

Anger is the feeling that is created when our values are not in alignment with the situation we encounter. Anger reminds us of our ego. Although anger is a negative feeling that could cause havoc if not guided, it provides some health benefits that we might find helpful.

1. Anger is a Negotiation Weapon

Anger comes naturally when someone puts a lower value, or weight, on your welfare relative to their own. Anger is designed to recalibrate the situation and thus increase our value.

Anger also strongly asserts our position and may lead to compliance by others. Anger drives us to respond to conflict in a way that helps us bargain to our advantage. It causes others to rethink their positions against our position.

It signals to the other side: “What you propose is too costly for me. You would be better off if you change the value you assign to me (decrease my cost or increase your value).”

2. Anger Increases Cooperation

If anger is justified and the response is appropriate, usually the misunderstanding is corrected, leading to increased cooperation. Anger tells others it is important to listen to us—that we feel annoyed and it is wise to pay attention to our words.

Anger communicates: “I don’t like the situation, and we need to work together to find a better solution.” Anger makes you stand up for yourself and constructively challenge the other side. As such, anger encourages cooperation.

3. Anger Improves Bargaining Strength

Anger may lead to better outcomes in business negotiations. While two parties negotiate, the negotiator who seems angrier may be in a better position to tilt the agreement in their favor.

Similarly, when one party believes the other negotiating side is angry, they may be more willing to compromise. In that regard, anger serves as a negotiating tool used to persuade, reach a deal, or improve the negotiated position.

4. Anger Covers Painful Feelings

Similar to Sigmund Freud‘s defense mechanisms that exist to protect the personality from an unbearable anxiety when the ego is under attack, anger serves this critical psychological function.

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Anger is a raw emotion that prevents you from feeling even more painful emotions.

For example, a person who was betrayed by their partner may use anger to control their partner rather than share their own pain, which is difficult to bear.

Anger Management Techniques

Anger management techniques are the tools through which we can properly manage our anger. The following anger management techniques have the tendency to truncate your angers forever:

Mindful Breathing: Mindful breathing is an anger management technique that can help relax angry feelings instantly. When you get angry, remember to breathe. Breathe gently and slowly. Then count from one to ten, and breathe out. This can help reduce the anger tensions.

Communication: Effective communication is an important technique to tackle anger. It’s possible to express your feelings calmly and with respect. Always use “I messages” when you are wrong. Allowing anger to slide is not an indication of weakness.


Stress Management: Practice stress management like meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga to have lasting anger management. These techniques can go a long way to reduce daily stress, capable of avoiding anger.


Developing Awareness: Awaken your awareness by consciously watching your anger feelings and thoughts. As soon as you perceive any anger triggers, work on it to prevent further fuss. Awareness can help pinpoint the cause of your anger so you can effectively combat it.

Physical Activity: Physical exercise is an effective way of reducing anger. This stress eliminator and anger management technique releases endorphins, the hormone for positive mood responses. Endorphins improve your mood. Exercise releases stored tensions and boosts your confidence.


Self-Reflection and Therapy: In finding out the anger management technique that should work for you, self-awareness is key.This is a therapy that can help unravel the root cause of your anger so that you can fight it from the root.

Psychotherapeutic methods, like cognitive behavioral therapy, can help improve the anger management and resolve the underlying causes of anger


Having listed the anger management techniques, you should know what works best for you. Adopt the techniques that allow for effective anger management. And start living a healthier life from now.


Anger management is an essential part of our life. Our physical and mental well-being are two parts of our existence that we should protect with jealousy. We will be able to eschew a lot of illnesses if we can tackle our anger.

Living an anger-free life is a utopia. The freedom and joy that come with it can not be overestimated. You will keep relationships, grin like you’ve never done, and improve your overall well-being.

You will even grow younger. Because the force exerting pressures on your face is gone. Anger can make you look three times older than your age. So, keep working hard, doing the exercise you love. Eat well and be happy. The future is rosy.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is it right to get angry ?

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Your instinct should tell you if something is not right. If you feel someone is intruding and anger can help adjust it, get angry. But don’t get explosive.

Is it possible not to be angry at all ?

No, it’s not

Unless you no longer have your nerves in you. Because if you do, you should respond to stimulus. Anger is one of the ways we respond to our environment.

What should I do if I find it difficult to manage my anger?

Ask yourself what’s the cause of your anger. If you can get to the cause, you should have a way to deal with it.

 Are there drugs to reduce anger ?

Yes. Your health worker may prescribe some Antidepressants such as Prozac, Celexa and Zoloft.These drugs may not treat the cause of your anger. But they can help reduce the rage feelings you get.

Why do I get pissed so easily ?

Anger is a symptom of many mental health issues. Stress, family problems, and financial issues can make one get angry unnecessarily.

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