Review of Think and Grow Rich Book Review

Introduction to “Think and Grow Rich” Book Review

Title: Think and Grow Rich

Author: Napoleon Hill

Genre: Self-Help and Personal Development

Are you someone who loves diving into the self-help genre? Do you often dream about getting rich and achieving your fullest potential? Look no further. Think and Grow Rich is the perfect book for you. It is a timeless classic that delves into the principles of money-making. Written by prominent author Napoleon Hill, this book is an amalgamation of wisdom from some of America’s most successful individuals.

In this particular book, the author has stated 13 key principles that are the gateway to success. Namely, desire, faith, autosuggestion, specialized knowledge, imagination, organized planning, decision, persistence, mastermind, the subconscious mind, the brain, the sixth sense, and overcoming fear.

If you are looking for a Think and Grow Rich book review summary, search no more. This article provides a Think and Grow Rich book review summary, its strengths, weaknesses, public view, and our takeaway. Think and Grow a rich novel PDF can be found for free at the end of this article.

“Think and Grow Rich” Review from Other Platforms and Influencers”

Critics’ Opinions

The book review of Think and Grow Rich has been excellent. It has been praised by many renowned authors and publications like Forbes and Success Magazine. It breaks down timeless principles to success in an easier manner and helps readers stay motivated. However, some critics argue that the book lacks empirical evidence for certain concepts such as “autosuggestion” or “sixth sense”.

Public Reviews

There is no doubt that Think and Grow Rich is one of the most popular self-help books among readers. It has garnered consistent attention from readers all across the platforms. The book maintains a solid 4.2/5 rating on Goodreads and 4.6/5 on Amazon. It has been appreciated for its ability to inspire and motivate the readers but, at the same time, criticized for its lack of scientific evidence, repetitive chapters, and overwhelming philosophies. The overall Think and Grow Rich review has been highly positive.

Key Insights from the book

This Think and Grow Rich book review summary provides you with meaningful insights from the book, as outlined by the author. Hill has broken down the book into 13 different principles that he refers to as “13 principles of success”. These are:

1. Desire: To achieve your goal, it is vital to have a strong passionate desire for it. The desire has to be so powerful that it drives individuals to put all their efforts into achieving their dreams.

2. Faith: Faith refers to an unwavering belief in oneself. One can only achieve what he desires when one believes that he is capable of doing so.

3. Autosuggestion: This refers to the repetition of positive affirmations that align with your goals.

4. Specialized Knowledge: This chapter emphasizes the importance of specialized knowledge over general knowledge.

5. Imagination emphasizes creative thinking and problem-solving.

6. Organized Planning: Mere dreaming is not sufficient to achieve success, it has to be coupled with excellent organizational skills that help you turn your ideas into concrete actions.

7. Decision: This chapter encourages readers to make decisions quickly and efficiently instead of procrastinating and being lethargic.

8. Persistence: Life can be full of setbacks and challenges, but winners are the ones who keep going even in the face of failure.

9. Mastermind Group: Encourages you to collaborate with like-minded individuals who can support and inspire you.

10. The subconscious mind emphasizes training your subconscious by feeding it positive and goal-oriented thoughts.

11. The Brain: The brain is like a radio station, and your thoughts are like vibrations. It can transmit as well as receive ideas.

12. The Sixth Sense: talks about the importance of intuition and gut feeling.

13. The mystery of sex transmutation: focuses on the redirection of sexual energy to creative energy.

Strengths of the Book

  1. Timeless Principles

Can you imagine a book published in 1937 holding relevance even after decades? Well, the answer is yes. Think and Grow Rich is a powerful book that provides you with timeless principles even after years of its publication. Concepts like desire, faith, persistence, and decision-making are prevalent and transcend time.

2) Motivational and Uplifting Tone

There are days when it feels like nothing works the way we intended. Despite our persistent efforts and hard work, things do not always work in our favor. During these darkest times, what can be more helpful than an inspiring book that encourages us to keep moving forward and look at the brighter side? The book review of Think and Grow Rich highlights it as an inspiring and motivational read.

  1. Comprehensive Coverage

Indeed, success is not all about earning lots of money, the definition of success exceeds material things. From personal relationships to professional growth, the principles of this book can be applied to all areas of life.

Weaknesses and Controversies

  1. Outdated Examples

Readers find the anecdotes and examples a little irrelevant in today’s era. The examples have been drawn from the lives of influential people like Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford, which makes the younger audience feel a bit disconnected, as they might be unfamiliar with these figures.

  1. Lack of Scientific Evidence

One major criticism of this book is the lack of scientific evidence. Ideas like repetitive affirmations can rewire the brain but lack empirical evidence. Likewise, concepts like intuition and sixth sense can feel vague and implausible to some readers.

  1. Philosophical Overload

Some readers might find the abstract and philosophical nature of this book a little overwhelming, especially among readers who are looking for a more pragmatic and straightforward approach. The book covers complex themes like faith, desire, and fear, which have been explained in depth. This might not resonate with some readers.

Personal Takeaway

I found the book remarkable, and it left a strong impression on me. As somebody who loves the idea of self-growth and improvement, this book resonated with me so well. Every time I am feeling disheartened or unmotivated, simply glancing through the pages inspires me to keep my chin up. While some ideas may feel clichéd and the chapters repetitive, the overall message of the book remains powerful. It is a must-read for anyone who is on the journey of self-improvement and wants to unlock the secret gateway to success.

Finally, the Think and Grow Rich book review summary offers readers a concise look at how they can use the book for personal and financial success. I hope you found this article meaningful and insightful. Thanks for reading!

In case you are looking for a Think and Grow Rich novel PDF, you can find it here for free. Think and Grow Rich PDF download for free: Think-and-Grow-Rich-PDF.pdf – Google Drive.


What is the book “Think and Grow Rich” about?

The book outlines 13 principles of success which focus on the power of mindset, persistence, and organized planning to achieve financial and personal goals.

Who should read “Think and Grow Rich”?

This book caters to anyone interested in professional success, self improvement and financial strategies. Link to Think and grow rich PDF download for free: Think-and-Grow-Rich-PDF.pdf – Google Drive

What is the summary of “Think and Grow Rich”?

We have provided you the book review of Think and Grow Rich along with its summary on: (insert link)