How to rebuild confidence: Strategies to rebuild confidence


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There comes a time in life where everything seems going downhill, people who have been confident throughout their life and have been admired may feel a sudden shift in their energy that leads to a self- doubt situation. This condition makes a person feel even more vulnerable, uncertain and shaky about himself.

Many people experience this condition once in their lives but holding on to it will make things even worse if not addressed on time. Life is all about good times and bad times, if one can work only in good times and struggles to cope with bad scenarios, this is where everything starts to shatter.

Your approach to life should be adaptability, if you cannot hold to bad times, you will lose everything eventually. Even a most confident person can no longer be confident if they have not learnt to face challenges.

In this article we will discuss few steps to explore how can we re-gain the confidence:

Focus on positive side:

Focus on your achievements, or recall the times when you helped someone get out of a bad situation, or you have made someone realize about his strengths. Everyone has done something is their lives which have boosted their self-esteem one way or another.

  • Make a list of your achievement even they are smaller but have boosted your self-esteem.
  • Recognize your talent – everyone has some qualities that makes them unique.
  • Focus on the soft and positive side of people what have helped others in different ways.

Accept imperfections:

It gets overwhelming at times when you chase perfection, in fact embrace imperfections because this would create a room for you to put your efforts and creativity without feeling pressurized. This acceptance would help you to re-gain the confidence.

  • Do not stress yourself too much.
  • Accept that things could go wrong without feeling guilty for.
  • Try to indulge with people who have gone through same scenarios and gain knowledge.
  • Endorse this ideology
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Go easy on yourself:

Do not put too much strain to fit in, because you need to put a lot of pressure on yourself to do so. When you accept yourself as you are despite all the challenges, it would help you to value yourself that in turn would boost your confidence.

  • Practice self-compassion.
  • Accept the bad scenarios – do not give up and re-start.
  • Give yourself a break to reflect for a better comeback.
  • Forgive people – so that you do not feel stuck in the past.

Surround yourself with positivity:

Interact with people or things who brings out the best in you, not with those who drain out the energy from you. If you are comfortable with people, who listens to you and encourage your ideas and thoughts are good for your sanity. This would help you to re-gain your confidence

If you people even a little amount of negativity that seems nothing apparently but can affect you so surround yourself with people who have a positive approach towards life.

  • Friend and family – positive mindset.
  • Avoid triggering content on social media.
  • Avoid things that makes feel down
  • A picture or a poster, something related must be in your working space or room to remind you of your strengths.
  • A mentor – whose words have always boosted your self-value.

Set goals:

Crawl but do not stop, set achievable objectives to strengthen your belief in potential. It would give you a sense of achievement and contentment that would ultimately make you feel confident again.

  • As per your resources.
  • What inspire you – would help to align with your values.
  • Prioritize – goals that are good for your overall well-being.
  • Flexibility – keep yourself lose, so that you don’t feel stuck.
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Work on resilience:

Learn not to give up, you can learn to take a break but not to leave forever. Things can go out of your hands and can be worse than imagined but this is part of the game.

Setback are a reminder that planning can go wrong, there could be as shift in the situation but you must never lose hope. Your ability to recover from a bad situation boost a confidence in you.

  • Adaptability – normalize the bad situations even that bad days can happen but do not stay in it.
  • Evaluate – what weaknesses bad time try to highlight?
  • Develop a problem-solving approach
  • Be in the current situation to stay mindful.
  • Work on your weaknesses.


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