How Diet Plays a Crucial Role in Managing Anger

How Diet Plays a Crucial Role in Managing Anger


Do you know famous actor Shia LaBeouf, who ruined his promising career due to uncontrollable anger issues or precisely his apathy in managing anger?

His public outbursts, arrogant behaviour, clashing with the public, slapping of fans, and fighting with his girlfriend in Germany are fuelled by continuous negative media portrayal.

As a result, the ‘BAFTA Rising Star’ award winner lost his fame. If he could start managing anger promptly, he could save his face value and career!

In this rat race life, we all have to face anxiety, depression, and anger issues, but the problem is to identify and accept the problem. Surprisingly, it is cured with exercise and a proper diet plan. But some foods can enhance your anger metre to an extreme level!

Here is a simple breakthrough of some anger management techniques with food.

The link between food and anger management techniques

The food-mood link is not about eating a burger and punching someone to release anger from your toxic workplace! Ever notice you feel irritation and frustration when you have not eaten or have not gotten your favourite food all day? It is the reality that your favourite food gives you mental satisfaction. However, some foods also provoke your inner anger. So, food and mood have both bad and good relations, but you have to cope with the best practices for your body.

Here’s how food can influence your ability to manage anger—


A recent study by the University of California proved the strong link between aggression and trans fatty acids. However, some minerals and omega-3 fatty acids can play a significant role in brain chemistry and emotional factors, helping in anger therapy techniques. 

Gastro(Gut) health

According to Johns Hopkins Medicines, the gastrointestinal system and the brain have a strong relationship. A diet rich in prebiotics and probiotics can improve the gastrointestinal system, reducing anger triggers. Thus, small dietary changes in your anger management techniques may ensure lasting peace.

Fluctuations in blood sugar level

Sugary foods can instantly crash your blood sugar levels. These fluctuations can lead to mood swings and make you more vulnerable to anger outbursts. Anger management techniques that focus on a balanced but strict diet can ensure sustained energy and prevent such outbursts.

Food that should be avoided in managing anger

Anger is an emotion, while chronic anger could become a major problem affecting your family and life if not treated timely. When managing anger, it is important to know what you eat. Before starting an anger-relief diet, it is good to know that foods can impact badly on your mental health.

Depending on the body’s reaction, people may respond differently to foods. Here is a common overview of foods you should avoid using anger management techniques.

First and foremost, sugary treats, processed foods, and excessive amounts of unhealthy fats have the full potential to trigger your anger. Processed food includes artificial additives and preservatives.

In addition, your addiction to alcohol and excessive caffeine is enough to fuel the fire in your mind. Salty snacks, while good to eat, can increase your blood pressure. They also help to increase tension and agitation.

So, avoiding these dietary culprits can create a more effective environment for anger management techniques.

Food to take to satisfy your mind in managing anger

You can initiate anger therapy techniques with physical exercise and communication, but they take a complete shape with a proper anger-relief diet plan. In this busy schedule of urban lifestyle, with daily hustle and bustle, you often forget to recognise anger issues.

Here is a simple diet chart for managing anger that is effectively used and recommended by professionals.

  • Always eat organic, pesticide-free, colourful fruits and vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients and help improve brain health.
  • Consuming foods high in dopamine, such as fish, chicken, and eggs, can improve anxiety levels, helping in managing anger.
  • Rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, walnuts, and mushrooms in one’s diet help to make an emotional balance.
  • Some magnesium-rich foods, like almonds, spinach, and pumpkin seeds, ensure sound sleep and improve mental health.
  • Avoiding excessive sweets, beverages, and refined sugars can help stabilise the body and prevent instant mood swings.

Anger Room, the new concept of anger therapy techniques — the alternative to diet and exercise?

The ‘Anger Room’ offers a new concept that differs from traditional anger management techniques. In this new concept, participants are allowed to outburst their anger by physically venting their frustrations on various objects within the Anger Room, such as furniture, electronics, dolls, glassware, and many more.

People can cry, yell, scream, throw objects, and hit punching bags to release anger. However, these practices are limited and would not be allowed as an alternative to exercise, diet, or medical help. In fact, these rooms help to release immediate anger without a full cure for the problem. To manage anger from the roots, you have to choose a long-term practice with diet, exercise, hobbies, and even medical attention.

Final Words

Control your anger before it goes wild and makes a huge impact on your professional and personal life. Remember, anger management techniques also include physical exercise, games, emotional well-being, and sometimes the use of medicine to reduce stress. So, a diet plan to reduce anger is only one of the anger therapy techniques, not a complete solution.

The holistic approach must include dietary changes along with other effective strategies. Overall, you have to build an interconnection between diet and emotions. Thus, you can control your anger and build a calmer, more peaceful life.


Does diet affect anger?

Yes, diet has a direct relationship with not only anger management techniques but also some foods that can increase your irritation and anger. So, it is not that all foods are good for managing anger, but definitely, many foods help you with mood swings and satisfaction.

Some foods benefit brain chemistry and hormone levels. However, processed food, sugar candy, alcohol, caffeine, highly processed fried foods, some instant energy drinks, and salty snacks contribute badly to productivity and mental health. In addition, consuming glycaemic foods fluctuates sugar levels and has a serious negative impact on managing anger.

A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants promotes mental peace and regulates your brain chemistry with calmness.

What foods stop anger?

Though there is no instant anger-relief food with instant results, a good diet can be a productive anger-management technique. Ready-to-cook processed food is the main enemy of your anger issues. You may also get instant energy, but long-term consumption may cause several mental health problems.

So, managing anger is not just about the healthy diet you follow but also about what not to eat. Instead, follow a balanced diet plan rich with vegetables and organic grains for sustainable energy. In addition, you can include green tea (organic/without pesticides), complex carbohydrates, and foods with omega-3 fatty acids.

What is the best way to control anger?

There is no shortcut to success in managing anger, whether the solution comes with diet or physical exercise, but the first step in managing anger is to identify the root cause. Some anger issues symptoms are very common with us, like frustration, mental pressure, and a short temper without a major cause.

For relief, you can choose yoga, martial arts, deep breathing, and some exercise. Moreover, a good hobby with groups or a walk with your favourite pet can give you stunning results. In addition, different types of anger therapy techniques and body messages with herbs may help you reduce your anger.

Who treats anger issues?

At first, you can try a healthy diet and anger management exercises. However, you can also join the nearest anger management classes, where they can properly address anger issues and symptoms like sudden outbursts, irritation, and depression.

After dealing with all of this, you can think of psychiatrists if the anger management techniques are not enough for your present condition. They even have anger management counsellors to address your issue. Next, they provide medication management and use anger therapy techniques for a simple solution.

How can I control my brain’s anger?

Only your willpower and a disciplined lifestyle play a major role in controlling anger. There is neither a magic medicine nor an instant solution to managing anger.

From taking deep breaths, meditation, and yoga to stepping outside for some natural beauty, you have to decide on the best anger management technique. Even negative thoughts can fuel more anger, so it is good to avoid any negative environment in the heat of the moment.

Remember, managing anger is a practice that needs time and cooperation. You can develop your anger management techniques by continuing to practice them in daily life. However, don’t hesitate to seek help from psychiatrists or anger management counsellors. 

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