The Success Principles Book Summary pdf For Free

The Success Principle Book Summary

Setting goals is easy. However, achieving them needs another set of efforts. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield highlights a practical path to accomplishing your goals. Do you know the best part? It discloses the path for both personal and professional life.

In this summary of The Success Principles by Jack Canfield book, we shall discover various valuable lessons and insights that can benefit us. We shall also provide a Success Principles by Jack Canfield Summary pdf and a guide on practical actions.

Brief Summary of The Success Principles

Other people’s opinions of you are none of your concern. It is a powerful quote from The Success Principles. It would be best to discuss the synopsis of The Success Principles by Jack Canfield before diving into its summary.

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield offers a complete guide that will help you achieve success in all aspects of your life. In this book, you will surely get practical strategies, motivational stories, and actionable suggestions that you can apply on your journey toward success.

This is not the end. This book is going to teach you the best ways to boost your confidence, tackle everyday challenges, and live with passion & purpose. It will also help you realize all your ambitions.

You will get 64 practical principles used by successful men and women throughout history. Taken together and practiced daily, these lessons have the potential to transform you beyond your dreams.

All the lessons highlighted by Jack that he has learned throughout his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur, coach, author, and speaker. All principles are going to transform your mindset and take responsibility. They will also help you to control your life effectively. Therefore, you can go from where you are to where you want to be.

That’s it for the synopsis of The Success Principles. Let’s headed towards the summary.

The Success Principles – Jack Canfield Summary

Numerous priceless items in this book have the power to change your life. We will go over a few principles in this part. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield book summary highlights the following key takeaways:

1) Stop complaining and be responsible

Are you ready to ignore your daily routine? Yes, that’s the process to achieve success. The first thing you must understand for your journey to your professional and personal success is that you are the director of your life.

We always find excuses and blame things when we meet a failure. However, how this behavior will affect our lives?

Suppose you receive $500 and have an option to buy something or invest that in mutual funds. The money will immediately become zero if you choose the first option, but the same amount can be increased when you choose the investment option. Thus, you must change your response to bring improvement in your life.

We understand that complaining about the circumstances is far easier, but you can go on the right path to success by seeing how you are living and the selection you are making.

Change is difficult as it requires discipline, persistence, and some experiments. By doing so, you will find out how to get a good start on changing in life

2) Find a purpose

In this lesson, Jack asked you to learn to contact the silence within yourself and learn that everything in this life has a purpose. He further says that he believes everyone who is living and born in this world has come of purpose. Hence, it’s essential to identify that purpose and honor that purpose because accepting life goals and taking action will make your life successful.

Here, the author has highlighted his personal journey that long ago he discovered his purpose. It means that Jack learned what he has in this life and how he understands in this life.

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In short, this chapter focuses on discovering clear goals that match your values and passion. Canfield will guide you through ways to discover your true purpose and develop a vision for your life.

3) Break limiting belief

Limiting belief is the invisible villain that stops us from reaching our full potential. It further reveals itself through negative self-talk, including thoughts like, “I’m not capable” and “Success isn’t for me”. Jack teaches us that these beliefs are not truths, but a story we have told ourselves all the time.

You should write them down and challenge their validity to break free from these beliefs. Replace them with motivating beliefs. For example, change the belief “I can’t succeed in my career” with “I have the skills to succeed in career”. It will help you to deal with these beliefs.

4) Confidence

In summarizing The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, it’s essential to emphasize the significant element of ‘Confidence.’ This quality serves as the driving force propelling us toward our goals. Jack offers practical strategies for enhancing self-confidence, such as utilizing positive affirmations and visualization techniques.

By consistently repeating affirmations like “I have potential and deserve success,” you can reprogram your mind to embrace your capabilities. Furthermore, it’s important to celebrate all accomplishments, regardless of their size.

5) Decide What You Want

Making a decision about your desires is the first step towards realizing them. You should decide what you want to do and what you want, according to Jack. Additionally, he advises concentrating on the objectives you wish to achieve.

You must choose the path you wish to take in addition to determining what you desire. This implies that you must choose your beginning point and your desired self-image. Simply said, choose what is important to you.

Jack emphasizes that people fail to identify what they want and the way to get there, which is why they don’t reach their goals. Determine what you are looking for in order to obtain the appropriate items.

6) Think Positively

Thinking patterns can destroy our will to achieve something. Sound weird? Let’s understand with an example.

Nick Sitzman was a railroad construction worker. On one day all of his work left the workplace early, but he was accidentally locked inside the refrigerated freight wagon. It’s obvious that all of his screaming and making noise would be baseless, as all of his colleagues left already.

His mind filled with the thought that he might freeze to death. Nick started edging his last words on a knife on the wagon floor with the knife. On the next day, when his coworker came back and opened a wagon, they found him dead. The autopsy confirmed that he died because of hypothermia.

You might be shocked to learn that the wagon cooling system was turned off and the temperature never goes below 13’C. Only by freaking out and assuming he is going to die soon, he died.

As scary as the story might sound, there is an opposite side of motivation in this. If you uncertainly love yourself, see your troubled notions about yourself for what they really are. You can then proceed to pass them and let positive thoughts push you toward your dream. Thus, here, we highlighted the importance of positive thinking in the summary of The Success Principles Book.

7) Find High-Value Task

High-value activities have the greatest impact on your success. They are the ones that move you closer to your ambition and give significant results. Here, the importance of identifying these tasks and dedicating time along energy is emphasized by Jack.

You must ask yourself the following questions to identify your high-value activities:

  • What actions have the most direct move on my goals?
  • What tasks give the highest return on investment of my time and effort?

After finding the answer to these queries, make these activities the priority on your schedule. That’s why, we kept this point in the summary of The Success Principles.

8) Face the fear and Do the work

Everyone has some kind of fear, and successful people know to feel the fear. Those people also understand how to perform tasks while dealing with them.

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Winners who win over their fear understand that they must recognize that reaching their goals isn’t only going to happen. They have to do what’s essential, which also requires sacrifice.

Train yourself to set your fears aside by reframing them with a positive imagination and focusing on positive feelings. In order to perform your task effectively, you should evaluate your action plan, and understand whether your steps are sufficient. You should also be willing to perform and fail until you get the work completely done. That’s among the best lessons of The Success Principles by Jack Canfield book summary.

9) Success Leave Clues

One of the best things about living in today’s world of opportunities is that almost everything that you want to achieve has already been done by someone else.

Whether it’s starting a business, becoming financially independent, or volunteering abroad for a meaningful cause, someone has also done it and left clues in the form of books, blogs, university classes, seminars, or other sources. Now, it’s up to you to find these clues and begin working on it.

All you have to perform is to discover that life is simply like a connect-to-dots game – all the dots are already identified and organized by some legends. Only, you need to connect them. We found the most appreciable principle while crafting The Success Principle summary.

10) Use Feedback

Reviews are the most helpful technique to achieve your goals, as they help you understand when you are getting off track and need to correct your course. Though you might be afraid of what you are going to hear, the advantages will definitely help you ignore the fear of bad comments.

Always, people are afraid to provide you with feedback, as they don’t want you to react negatively. If you want to get benefits from people’s comments, learn to ask for it and accept it calmly. It would be best to ask people the following queries:

  • In what ways do you see holding myself back?
  • On the scale of 1 – 10, how would you rate me?

This question can be used in any personal or professional circumstance. People will have specific ideas of things you can do to improve your work.

Actionable takeaways

The best thing about The Success Principles is that it provides you with many actionable suggestions. You can adopt these advices to improve your life. Below are the top takeaways from this book:

1) Do Practice

Becoming a successful person is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, this fact is completely right, as if being successful would be easier, then everyone achieving their goals too easily.

Although you can succeed with the right path, practicing persistence is among the most essential qualities you must have while focusing on your goals. Just believe that the longer you hang there and keep practicing, the greater will be the chance that you are going to find your path.

Regardless of how hard your goal seems at the moment, the longer you practice the more likely you are going to achieve it. That’s why we decided to tell you this principle in our The Principles Success Summary.

2) Reject Rejections

When you have a crush in your school, you might met with a feeling of fear of rejection. We always feel the same fear when we go to a job interview or even a visa interview. It holds humans back from being themselves and performing appropriately.

In order to deal with this fear, focus on rejecting rejection. as Jack highlights in his book “The Success Principles”. Either take rejections from your heart or select to decline the fact of rejection. Here, the author urges us to choose the second option.

One of the most fun social experiences is done by Jia Jiang to learn the rejection. He decides to ask for the weird things, be it borrowing $100 or asking for a pizza delivery, for a total of a hundred consequence days to get over his fear of rejection. You can also perform similar things.

3) Surround yourself with positive and successful people

The world is filled with two kinds of people: successful, positive, optimistic, and uplifting people who can boost your spirit even after the most difficult day. The other kind can dull your energies and make small of even the biggest things you have done, irrespective of the lack of their milestones.

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Jim Rohn’s famous quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” accurately reflects this topic.

In The Success Principles, Jack Canfield begins highlighting this situation with an example of Tim Ferris and how he chooses the people in his life. Then Jack requests us to be selective, avoid toxic people, and surround ourselves with positive and successful people.

4) Redefine Time

Many people are efficient in doing what they want with effective time management skills. While performing their regular job, they find time to pursue those hobbies that help them to achieve their goals.

Although many people think that they need to ignore their families to become successful. we love the way Jack mentions how successful people find the balance between family and work,

Jack also mentioned the importance of scheduling and dividing your time into free and focused days. Focused Day involves the world Deep world and free days also mean scheduling for fun.

5) Spend less

In personal finance, most people’s advice tends to control down on material desire and wanting to spend less. In The Success Principle, Jack suggests we live a life of abundance, spirituality, and materially, till the time is justified.

Here, the author mentions that if you want to spend more money, you must earn it first. Similarly, you must earn Enough revenue streams if you want to employee more people on your business to make it Bible in the long run. It is the lesson that most businesses forget.


That’s it for The Success Principles book summary pdf for free. The book is perfect for those struggling to get succeed in any aspect of their lives. It will provide you with the compete path to get your personal and professional goals.


1. Is the book “The Success Principles by Jack Canfield” worth reading?

The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve their goal. 

2. Who is the author of The Success Principles?

Jack Canfield is the author of this book. 

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of “The Success Principles”?

The book has countless strengths, including positive storytelling, actionable steps, and more. Potential for unrealistic expectations, lack of specificity, and more are among the weaknesses that you might find in the book.  

4. What are some other books Like “The Success Principles”?

There are many books that are similar to The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. The top similar book names are mentioned below:

The 7 habits of Highly Effective People
How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People
The Four Agreements: A practical Guide for Personal Freedom
